Our Journey to Net Zero

Black Isle Brewery was founded in 1998 on the basis of a single core principle – that we can make a range of delicious, organic beers whilst minimising our impact on nature and championing environmental causes wherever possible.

This ethos has seen us prioritise nature close to home on our organic farm, where we have planted thousands of native trees, created wetland habitats and shunned pesticides and herbicides in favour of insects, wildflowers and weeds.

2021 has seen us take a closer look at the business itself, including the impact of raw materials, supply chains and products as we distribute our beer throughout the UK and overseas. Following the completion of our first carbon footprint assessment, we have offset our current CO2 output by working with Climate Partner to support protection of the Amazon rainforest in Pará, Brazil, as well as the development of wind energy in Salodi, India.

Now that we can see where our processes are producing a lot of carbon, we can target further reductions. This will include re-evaluating our logistical operations, suppliers and work patterns to see where we can make a real difference to our impact.

This is just the first step on the road to reaching Net Zero emissions. We have now signed up to the SME Climate Commitment, pledging to halve our greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and achieve Net Zero by 2040. Net Zero is defined as making all practicable reductions in carbon emissions, then offsetting what remains.

You can read more about the projects we’re supporting, and see how much CO2 we have offset, by visiting the link here.


Black Isle Brewery & Farm Update February 11th 22


12 Days & 12 Ways we embrace Green.